
NEW Life Line Screening Secret Is Bringing Relief To Thousands...!!

Patricia William
☐  7 hours ago

Life Line Screening - Why Wait? Get Screen For Heart Disease, Stroke Risk and More - Secret to Living Longer & Healthier Life!

Did you know that you may be at risk for life-threatening diseases and yet have no symptoms?  Life Line Screening can evaluate your risk for several of today’s most critical – and often undiagnosed – healthcare problems.

Preventive health tests & screenings to detect early risk for heart disease, stroke & other serious illnesses like cancer.

Identify Your Risk Factors to Reveal Dangerous Plaque Build up or Blockage, a Major Risk Factor for Stroke and Heart Disease.

The goal of Life Line Screening is to provide people with early detection and prevention. Most results are designed to help you understand your risk factors for specific diseases and conditions, like cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer and osteoporosis.

The Value of Saving a Life - Quinton and Faye on Life Line Screening

In less than an hour, you can be screened with painless, non-invasive, advanced ultrasound technology for stroke and other disease prevention in the convenience and comfort of your own community.

The screenings are performed by a highly qualified and skilled technologist and reviewed by a board-certified physician.  You’ll receive a confidential written report within 21 days and are encouraged to share the results with your doctor.

Most of the time, screening results are normal and the customer walks away with peace of mind.

However, in some cases, such as the real life story of Quinton and Faye, potential health issues are identified enabling the person to do something about it before it is too late.

Life Line Screening has screened more than 8 million people. To learn more about Life Line Screening.

Life Line Screening Review: Kathy Explains Why She Got Her Health Screening

Offered locally at community sites coast-to-coast, Life Line Screening may be coming to your neighborhood. Get Screen for Stroke, Vascular Disease and Heart Rhythm Package.

This Includes screening for Stroke/Carotid Artery Disease, Peripheral Arterial Disease, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms and Atrial Fibrillation. For more information, visit the LifeLine Screen Official Website

Schedule your health screening today.

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        Content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice. See a certified medical professional for diagnosis and treatment recommendations.


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